Women's Group Coaching Contract
This Agreement is between Janne Robinson and the client for participation in my Mastermind (the “Program”).
1) Services:
As a Participant in the Program, coaching and consulting services include the following (the “Services”):
- (2) 2 hour group sessions over Zoom per month and (1) 60 minute group session per month. (3) calls total per month. Sessions will be scheduled on weekend mornings to accommodate for international participants and time zones and dates will be provided before the program begins so that Participants can plan their schedules accordingly to attend.
- (1) 60-minute 1:1 coaching session over Zoom to be scheduled during the course of the program.
- A Voxer group will be set up for group coaching Participants to connect, interact and support one another in between group sessions. It is understood by Participants that I will not be monitoring or available for support inside the voxer channel, however, however participants can interact daily and as often as needed here. This is a optional communal space to connect deeper in-between sessions with the other woman in the group for deeper accountability.
1-1 email support from myself will not be available to Participants as this is a group coaching program.
- Participants will sometimes have homework, tasks, individual and partner exercises to complete in between sessions.
- Our mastermind will be a combination of me sharing tools, skills, experiences, and resources of my own and resources/teachings I find valuable from others--aimed at the development of individuals in the group. Calls will also include break out 1-1 sessions with me and an individual, within group calls. In this case, the rest of the group will learn and listen through observation. Sometimes Participants will also perform written exercises during the call. The other portion of our mastermind will be to learn from the other women on the call through their stories and experience.
2) Confidentiality: You agree and acknowledge that complete confidentiality is required as a Participant in the Program to maintain a safe space to support growth. Stories, names, personal information, activities and similar sensitive information (“Confidential Information”) are completely confidential. Recordings of coaching sessions will not be provided if Participants miss a session to protect and honor the privacy of Participants in the Program and to preserve the confidential nature of Confidential Information. You agree not to disclose or use any Confidential Information in any way other than as approved by me for use under the Program.
3) Fees and Payment Options:
a. Fees: $5000 USD total for the 4 months, or $5400 USD total for split payment.
4) Cancellation and Refund Policy:
Due to the small nature of this program, all payments are non refundable. If you decide mid program that this is not a fit for you, you are welcome to not participate in the program but you will still be responsible for completing all remaining payments. No refunds will be given.
5) Representations & Warranties: Participant represents and warrants that (i) this Agreement is a valid and binding agreement by Participant; (ii) Participant is at least 18 years of age and has the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement; (iii) Participant is voluntarily participating in the Program and accepts complete responsibility for his/her own medical, health, mental, emotional, psychological and bodily wellbeing.
6) Disclaimers, Limitation of Liability:
Participant understands that any advice that Participant receives from Janne should not be relied upon for personal, medical, legal or financial decisions and Participant understands that he/she should consult appropriate professionals licensed and with experience for specific advice tailored to Participant’s situation in each of these disciplines.
The Services are provided to Participant “as is” and Janne makes no guarantee or warranties, express or implied. In all circumstances, Janne’s maximum liability to Participant for damages for any cause will be limited to the amount of fees paid by Participant under this Agreement.
7) Consent to Facts Being Used in Writings:
Client acknowledges that Consultant is an active non-fiction writer whose works are drawn from her experiences and life journey as an artist, business owner, and life coach. These writings will discuss facts and fact patterns that will be based on information that Consultant has been exposed to as a life coach, including in performing the Services under this Agreement. Consultant will never publish or publicly release Client’s name or identity, but may analyze facts and fact patterns that are based on real life situations to use in her writings as examples, and some of these examples may or may not include facts and fact patterns derived from what Client has revealed to Consultant during the rendering of the Services. Client confirms that Client is aware of this, and Client hereby consents to Consultant’s use of such facts and fact patterns in Consultant’s books if Consultant chooses to do so, provided that Consultant shall not publish or publicly release Client’s name or identity.
8) Miscellaneous:
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California. No interpretation against the drafter of this Agreement will be implied or made. This Agreement is personal to each party and neither party will assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights, or delegate or otherwise transfer any of its obligations or performance, under this Agreement. Any amendment to this Agreement will be in a writing signed by both parties (email sufficient). This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts and each counterpart will be deemed to be taken together to constitute one and the same original document (including pdf copies).
By clicking the box, you agree and accept the terms of this Agreement.